宮地嶽神社で行われる寿司祭りには神様へのお供えという意味があります。博多の名店「高玉(コウギョク)」の大将一行5名がお寿司の奉納祭をなさいます。そして握ったお寿司がご希望の方々(先着200名)に振る舞われます(日時 10月4日12時 於 神社境内)
The original of Sushi can be seen at the ceremony of an ancient shrine called Kasugataisha in Nara Prefecture. Hand-rolled vinegared rice with pickled Sawara (Spanish mackerel) on top is offered to deities. Sushi ceremony as an offering to deities is held at our shrine. At the ceremony, a chef of a famous sushi restaurant in Hakata dedicates Sushi, and a part of the sushi is served to worshipers.