期間限定 1日から3日間
今回は菖蒲祭り初刈神事に併せ5月31日より 6月3日まで頒布致します。
Goshuin is a handwritten stamp that you can get at a shrine. In Japan, it is popular to collect stamps from various shrines. Miyajidake’s stamp is popular because the design changes depending on the season. The current stamp is designed according to the Iris Festival.
御朱印 (Goshuin) 是可以在神社得到的手寫印章。在日本,有蠻多人喜歡收集各種神社的御朱印。宮地嶽的御朱印很受歡迎因為設計會根據季節而變化。這次的御朱印是以菖蒲祭為主題設計的。