11月11日(日) 午前11時より奥之宮 三宝荒神にて三宝荒神大祭を斎行致します。
12時より料理研究家(三溝 清美)先生の特製カレーを無料で招待致します。
Hello everyone, this is Yume.
On November 11 (Sunday) from 11 AM, the Sanpokojin Festival (Deities of the Three Jewels Festival) will be held at Okunomiya Sanpokojin.
From 12 PM, we will serve free special curry made by the cooking specialist, Kiyomi Mitsumizo.
As the name implies, the Kami (Deity) of fiery fire has spiritual powers to control fire, which is believed as the Kami (Deity) of kitchen, food and cooking. In December, we will have the festival of appreciation for the food we had this year, with the festival of year-end fire prevention.
※We only have 300 servings of curry, first come first served!
11月11日(日) 在奥之宮 三宝荒神上午11點會舉辦三宝荒神大祭。上午12點完費提供由料理研究家(三溝 清美)先生所特製的咖喱。如名一樣這是一個火神,有著可以掌控火的神力,所以被作為廚房,食物,料理方面的神供奉著。在日本進入到12月會伴隨著年末的防火節日,也是對這一年的感謝之情而舉辦的。