夏越祭・茅の輪くぐり神事を8月1日 午前1時から開催いたします。茅の輪(ちのわ)とはカヤの葉で作った輪っかです。盛夏の頃、体調を崩す事が多いですね。心身ともに疲れ易いと病魔に侵されやすく成ります。カヤの葉は刀に似ている所から魔を切る信仰が有ります。そこで、カヤの葉で作った輪をくぐることで魔を落とす、という昔から伝わる神事です。(写真は昨年の茅の輪くぐり神事)
This is Kayanowa Kuguri, which is a festival for health during summer time. In this festival, people pass through Kayanowa, which is a ring made from leaves of Kaya (Japanese Nutmeg Tree). This is a ceremony to drive off bad luck and pest during hot weather by passing through the holy ring. In this shrine, this ceremony starts from 1 A.M on August 1st. It is believed that the leaves of Kaya, resembling swords in shape, have a power to cut down bad things. So, pest and bad luck are cut off from people having passed through the ring made from Kaya leaves.